Amit Mehra's vivid images sum it all up:

Such symmetry! Quick tip - Innovate the use of common items - like the bamboo sticks in classy urns filled with sand!. Also check out the low seating in white. Do I hear someone say "O my God, I can make something similar for my home! All I need is wooden boards (polished dark), mattress to fit and some cushions!"

The hanging figurine is Balinese
That color again!
Marigold petals in a water feature look lovely! Though can be a pain in all the wrong places when it comes to cleaning a water feature like this. Ask me - I have tried it! But still, it is well worth the effort to do something like this for a special occasion. As most of us will not have such a water feature in our homes, the option could be to pick up a large shallow bowl - in metal or stone, and fill it with water and petals