I am in a generous mood today. Sharing some lovely lovely rooms... go ahead, don't be shy, take your pick!
Subtle....and Gentle
When I'm feeling blue....O God, stop me before I start off again ;-)
Vibrant Sunshine
Mellow Green
Perfect for afternoon siesta

Crisp black and white

I can see you looking at me and saying "Hello! But do you know what it will take to ship an entire room?!"
Right Said Fred!
(Hello Fred! - if one of the Freds of the world is reading this)
Well, I have another option for you my dear ladies and gentlemen (and Fred). Pick your desired bed cover, pillow, blanket, throw, cushion from below and you are all set!
And a bonus too! Table cover, napkins, placemente, runners - take home the entire jing bang!
I took you to one of favorite stores Maspar today
Hope you enjoyed the virtual shopping as much as I enjoy actual shopping at this store :-)
Do tell me what you liked best from the store!