The Division is made up of three bureaus, Archaeological Research, Historical Museums and Historic Preservation and is the governmental body for historical resources within Florida, for the past 21 years, primarily responsible for promoting the historical, archaeological, museum and folk culture resources in Florida. Headquartered in Tallahassee, there are regional offices in St.Augustine, Tampa and Delray Beach. They provide assistance in nominating properties for listing on the National Register of Historic Places and help obtain state and federal grants, opportunities in the Florida Main Street program to revitalize Florida downtowns, adoption of local historic preservations ordinances, training local preservations boards, assisting in heritage tourism initiatives and providing public education opportunities re the Division of Historical Resources; programs. Guidelines for design review appear in “Model Guidelines for Design Reivew: a guid for developing standards for historic rehabilitation in Florida communities,” available in print from the not-for-profit Florida Trust for Historic Preservation. The bi-monthly Florida Preservationist newsletter contains legislative updates, a calendar of Florida preservations events, grant deadline information, information about the Trust’s Annual Meeting, Insider Tours, Educational Workshops and Historic Preservation Day. Members receive the Florida History & The Arts magazine, published quarterly, and the bi-annual Florida’s Heritage Resource Directory. There are 2500 members. See the National Register of Historic Places Criteria for Listing and the Florida Historical Markers Program. For more information, in Delray Beach, call Bonnie Dearborn at 561-279-1475.