Friday, May 9, 2008

Downstairs Bedroom #1


Paneling was something the previous owners loved so much that they pretty much used it in every single room of the house.

To complement the look of the faux wood paneling, they also were huge fans of faux wood contact paper. This lovely adhesive (something that took me hours upon hours to remove) covered doors and door trim.
This is what the walls looked like after the paneling was removed (Jackson Polluck must have shown up with a glue gun). Also, you can see the first effort (of many) to remove the faux wood contact paper from the trim and door.

Knowing that this paint contained low levels of lead (we had it tested), we opted to plaster over glue art rather than scrape glue off. Replastering not only gave us the smooth finish we were looking for but also, sealed in the lead based paint.
After new coat of plaster.
Here it is after a fresh coat of paint.

This was our bedroom for two years, minus the time we spent up in the guest house over the barn. Now it is a guest room for visitors who are too scared to walk up to the guest house on a dark country night (Mom) or visitors who just find it a lot more fun to stay closer to us (Mom).

This room is now our nursery...go here to see pictures. 
My Ping in