With the temperature nearly reaching 86 degrees in my apartment yesterday, I had to venture out for a second fan. Of course at my local hardware store they had little selection, so I ended up getting a typical white plastic number, but I was desperate. However, with a little foreplanning and a few clicks of a mouse, you can find a fan that won't detract from your living space. Here's a few I found:
The Allair fan from Restoration Hardware, on sale from $78.99 to $110.99
Deco Breeze at target, $49.99, other fun colors available.
Another Deco Breeze from Lamps Plus for 119.91, also comes in a bright pink and bright green.
On sale at Pottery Barn for $54.00
If you want to go all the way with ceiling fans..
Super modern, super gorgeous,artemis, from g2art.com, call for price
Restoration Hardware's acero for $345
Monday, July 21, 2008
The cure for the common (ugly) fan
"Pottery Barn",
ceiling fan,
Deco Breeze,
Lamps Plus,
Restoration Hardware,