Personally I want a walk-in, in white--and with gratuitously girly details--pink shelving liners, a vanity, upholstered bench...
This first group is from California Closets

Streamline and clever hideaway closet under the dormer

An adorable closet, I wouldn't want to shut the doors. Cute wallpaper too!

A chic solution for a metropolitan couple

white and clean...need I say more?

even this reach-in is dreamy

A sunny Victorian style closet, love the window seat! Image from Remodeling center
Most people neglect their closets, but I say, "finish the job!" If you've painted the room a color, paint the shelves and/or back of the shelves to make the closet more appealing.

The Bergen closet collection from West Elm

More welcoming when decorated like it's own separate room,this closet by Easy Closets

From Haute Concept--there are no words.