Tuesday, March 3, 2009

But then again….

sia-homefashion.com black couch 

I know, I know, yesterday I posted about the wonders of white slip covered couches.  But if I had a formal living room, I wouldn’t mind one of these dark lovelies, either above and below.

Love the modern take on the chesterfield above.


real living

And the curves of this formal beauty above are delicious. So dramatic and elegant.

But then again, I’m not sure how practical a dark couch would be.  They’d fade quickly, and show up every bit of fluff. That would bother me no end!

So maybe this couch is a goer instead. From uber blogger Cote de Texas.  Sleek, sexy lines and a neutral colour so you can still change the cushions at whim. I adore the classic lines of this couch and the ‘karate chopped’ cheetah cushion is kind of cute. I’ve never seen so many karate chopped cushions since I started blogging!

velvet couch - cote de texas

1 Sia home fashion 2 Notebook 3 Cote de Texas

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