Friday, March 20, 2009

Getting Crafty






Got some time on your hands?  Feel like doing something creative?  Want to get ready for Christmas?  Then head on over to Just Breathe, where you will find the full detailed instructions on how to make these two banners, plus one other variation.

The ones in the above photos were made for my house and I can’t wait til Christmas so I can put them up for real.

I love the paper we used – an embossed white one, and a calligraphy one – both have Christmas words for that added touch. They came from a scrapbooking shop in Adelaide. The embossed white one is called ‘Joy’ from Die Cuts with a View. I’m not sure of the brand name of the other, but if I find out I will let you know.

I’ve never really had the confidence to try craft before – the problem with being a bit of a perfectionist is that I didn’t even attempt anything in case it turned out to be rubbish. But seeing all the wonderful creations on blogs got me itching to try something, and my wonderful friend Fiona of Just Breathe, who is a crafter extraordinaire, gave me the confidence to try – along with a whole lot of help!

Thanks Fiona, you really are a dear friend to me. I had so much fun making these with you.

Speaking of Fiona, her blog is a wordpress blog, and although I have added it to my blog list, it does not appear on my screen. If anyone knows how to fix this, please let me know! 

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend, being crafty, or otherwise!

Best wishes,

My Ping in