Sunday, June 14, 2009

First Day at the Farmer's Market

I bought these beautiful Sandra Bernhardt Peonies at the Farmer's Market last week. They come from an organic farm that offers amazing organic produce all summer long. You can imagine how thrilled I was that they also had their first crop of organic strawberries!

I bought half a flat and we finished our last berry over the weekend. They were so good!

Strawberries are a fruit I only buy organic. This makes them harder to come by, but all the more sweet when you have them. I also only buy organic apples, peaches, cherries, raspberries, grapes, nectarines and strawberries. Basically, any fruit with a skin that you'll eat.

I refer to Dr. Andrew Weil for the most up to date information on buying organic. His web site also offers great information on all areas of healthy living.

Happy Strawberry Season!
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