Friday, June 5, 2009

Quiet and ethereal - Reed Davis interior photography (and a little request)

Happy Friday everyone! Today is a gloomy day in NYC, the kind that makes you want to stay inside and read your favorite book on your fluffiest chair! To invoke that feeling even more, I decided to give you some wonderful Reed Davis photos to feast your eyes on. Gorgeous aren't they?

All work property of Reed Davis Photography

...and my little request...

Decorology's birthday is coming up, and we're just 24 subscribers away from meeting our goal. If you liked this post, and are not yet subscribed to Decorology - would you consider being a subscriber? It's absolutely free, and you can get updated on your igoogle page - or whatever reader page you use. You can also subscribe by email (on the right hand column, at the top, you'll see a box to put your email address) .

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Thanks so much, and have a great weekend!
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