And few weeks ago I saw this display of a Parisian map at my favorite fabric store in Boston, Zimman's, and was reminded of my love for antique (reproduction) maps that have been enlarged, cut up and framed in a tight series.
Other examples from around the web:
In our new house there is a really long wall above our sofa that was screaming for a framed series. As much as I love Paris, I decided that a map of Brussels would be more legit/meaningful. I bought a largish repro map from the 1800's for cheap off eBay with the intent to cut it up, scan it in and send it off to be enlarged and printed for framing.

True to form, the map hasn't even arrived in the mail yet, and I've already changed directions for the above-the-sofa art. BUT I still think it is an awesome idea and I'm sure I'll use it in another house or maybe even in a different room here.
If you like the look of a framed map series, you should consider using rasterbator with a copyright-free map image, your home printer and some cheap IKEA or Target frames.
Or if you're not feeling the DIY route, check out a few of these retail options:
Williams Sonoma Home, on sale $200

Z Gallerie, on sale $250