Delaware is beautiful (especially the beaches) and the people are genuine. I think it's going to be a great year.
My husband is busy studying for the New York bar, day and night. The girls are obsessed with the family of bunnies living in our new backyard. And I am equally obsessed with unpacking boxes, organizing and decorating.
I'm also busy preparing for a big blog update. I can't wait to show you all. I think it will look great and I'm confident the aesthetic changes to the blog will inspire me to post more often again!
Speaking of decor posts - my friend emailed me pictures of some furniture and things she inherited from her Grandmother recently. She wasn't sure what to do with some of the items.
Look at all these cool glass bottles she got! I think these would be great candidates for this Martha project, where you use a squirt bottle to coat the inside of bottles with glass enamel (available at all craft stores). I suppose you could use any color enamel, but using white really makes for a beautiful mix of pale blues and greens depending on the color of the bottle's glass.

Makes me want to go to the thrift store this minute to look for random glassware.