Thursday, August 6, 2009

Bali bliss

I arrived home from Bali at 9.00am this morning, after a wonderful eight days in Bali. I had such a fabulous time visiting this fascinating country.

I haven't had much sleep, as we travelled all night, so it will be an early night for me, but I couldn't resist putting up some of the photos I took while I was away. I hope you enjoy them.

These last two photos are taken at one of the villas we stayed at (please excuse the wonkiness of the photos!). The bathroom was absolutely huge, and included a beautiful water feature. We had our own private pool, and because the weather was very hot and humid, it came in handy.
I'm looking forward to catching up with my blog friends over the next few days, but in the meantime, I've got some sleeping to do!

Best wishes,
My Ping in