Thursday, August 27, 2009

~I am addicted to this website of DIY~

I am in love, love, love....... with this new website One Pretty Thing that I came across. I've became addicted. I couldn't stop looking at all the DIY neat and pretty things other people have made! Here are just a few of my favorites.

Make a charming flower HERE

Learn how to make these snazzy pillows Here

Or make this Chic Ruffy belt HERE

Make Cake Stand Skirt and chandelier on Martha Stewart HERE

Make carnations out of cupcake wrappers HERE

Print out some of your own Girly Cupcake Wrappers HERE and HERE

Cross-stich a glamorous Retro Girl HERE

Create a colorful Canopy bed cover HERE

Cute Printable notebook paper HERE

Eat Pretty Glittered Lollipops HERE

Wear a Gorgeous Scarf/Shawl HERE

Check out the before and after of remodeling an old desk HERE

Tissue Pom-Pom flowers HERE

OK I am going to have to stop someplace but I could really just keep going on and on...I have found so many new projects. Now, I can't wait to start on some!

My Ping in