Thursday, November 19, 2009

You were always on my mind..

Maybe I didn't post as much as I could
Maybe I was busy doing something else
But when I saved these pics as I should
You were always on my mind
You were always on my mind
[creative meddling with Pet Shop Boys : You were always on my mind]

This is my song dedication to you for the hiatus of past couple of weeks. And please hum the song in the coming month too since I will be spending the next month on airport and NY and airport and Atlanta and airport and SF and airport and DC get the idea, right? It is going to be a busy month, but, I will peep in once in a while and say hello. Since, you are always on my are always on my mind!

You know what else is on my mind? These lovely interiors from my ever growing inspiration files. And s*&% the formatting of the blog...I am sharing these pics extra large! Will work around the formatting when I redesign the blog in the new year. So till then, please bear with the somewhat messed up UE of the site. Focus on the pics. Scroll left to right if needed. Leave me comments and notes. And join the gang of followers on the left sidebar, and on facebook. That's it. Quite reasonable demands, I must say..

[Image source: I don't have all the sources unfortunately, but some pics are from: nytimes, americangypsydecor,,,, marie claire, lotusbleu, mlinaric-henry-rezvudachi, style-files] 
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