Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Another Victorian Chair

The bird toile fabric sample arrived! I've pinned it to the above chair back to get a feel of what it will look like. I love the pattern so much that although I've decided to cover the other Victorian chair I posted on a few weeks ago in a solid velvet, I couldn't help but try and find another chair for the bird toile. The chair is something I had in storage down in the basement. The fabric comes from an on-line fabric store called Interior Mall.

This Victorian chair has the same intricate detail as the other chair, but offers more angular lines and I think a much more rustic look with all of its beautiful notched carvings.

I also like that the top of the chair has rounded details that mimic the shape of a bird's wing.

To save on money, I'm thinking of attempting to reupholster it myself! When it's done, I'll place it here in the master bathroom next to bathtub. You can see the look of the toile fabric compared to the brown fabric that's on it now. I think the new fabric pattern is going to really brighten it up!
My Ping in