Sunday, January 10, 2010


From 1946 to 1952, The Harry S. Truman Little White House was the winter White House of America, and subsequently used by later Presidents.  Fourteen American Presidents have vacationed in the Florida Keys and Key West.  This was a relaxing and restoring environment when dealing with the threats of the Cold War. Opened in 1991 as the only Florida Presidential Museum, almost 90% of the furnishings are original to the site, giving an intimate view of Truman’s personal life.  Restoration is ongoing to bring the property even closer to its 1949 appearance.  Public donations are accepted by the Harry S.Truman foundation.

Tour Guides offer glimpses into the Cold War politics, personal views of Truman, and the Naval History of Key West.  The tours are occasional closed for government functions.  The home can be used for Private Events as well.  Your can host your own private state dinner for two or for one hundred and have an extraordinary dinner party.  Weddings are held here too.  From February 1 to April 1, 2010, “With Love, Harry” will celebrate Bess Truman’s 125th birthday.  Included will be a display of the thousands of letters sent between Harry and Bess over 50 years. Botanical Gardens tours reveal an acre of tropical foliage and trees surrounded by the original 1890 wrought iron fence.

Christmas is a special time here, with “Harry’s Girls” decorating the house.  There is a Museum Gift Shop featuring White House Ornaments dating back to 1999.  Recently Truman’s 125th birthday was celebrated at the Little White House representing three of his most important decisions: recognition of the state of Israel, the berlin Airlift and desegregation of the military.  The birthday cake was served by  “Harry’s Girls.”

Thirty-five percent of Americans polled by Washington Whispers picked the Key West Little White House as the place they most would like to visit, topping all other seasonal White House locations.  Click here for TOUR INFORMATION.  You can call 305-294-9501 for information.
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