Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Pearl Street - The Next Generation

We were in Arizona a few months ago for my brother's wedding. I helped with a lot of decorating while we were there (my sister's home, a shower and the reception).

While we were at the reception one of my extended family members asked my oldest daughter what she wanted to be when she grew up. She normally says "a cowgirl" or "a doctor like granddaddy" but that night she said "a Becorator like my mommy."
{queue my heart breaking}

Here we are at Home Depot a few days ago getting some wood cut for that client install in NYC. I watched in awe as my somewhat shy girl, on her own, asked the Home Depot employee all about the saw and the measurements, etc. And then she asked if she could wear a pair of safety goggles too.

I think we would make a pretty good mommy-daughter 'becorating' team.
My Ping in