Tuesday, March 30, 2010

when I grow up - my garden

One day, when I grow up, I will have a perfect garden, where everything is so incredibly perfect and beautiful that I will never muddy my shoes or dirty my fingernails.


I will float around, effortlessly finding the time to make ecologically friendly pots for my seedlings


My 'nécessaire de jardin' will be kept to hand in a beautiful belt of various sized pockets

My tools will never get rusty, or bent, and they will never ever  -perish the thought -  accidentally land on the compost heap.

My tomatoes will not know the meaning of the words  blight,  undersized, flavourless or ordinary

my pots will be coordinated to the shades of flowers in season which will in turn be coordinated to current fashion

and I will carry a secateur in a perfect gardening bag in case the worst happens and  I come across a stray branch

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