Thursday, April 29, 2010

A First!

This ...

... is the first thing my daughter sees when she walks into her room.  It's her prom dress and tonight she will go to her very first prom!  Is she excited?  She must be, because all of her other clothes look like this ...

Notice the difference?  So much excitement.  There's the dress, and then these shoes

and her boyfriend surprised her with these earrings ...

She is 17 years old and has loved this color since she was a little girl, long before it became as popular is it is now.

So here I sit on the morning of her very first prom feeling one of those huge emotions that don't have a name. You know that feeling when you're half happy and half sad and you don't know which one is winning and the tears come out anyway?  Yeah, that's the one.  

The happy is that she is an amazing human being who is growing stronger and more independent every day.  She is a beautiful woman/ child physically but her real beauty is found inside.  She is good and kind and generous and all of the things you hope and pray your child will be.

The sad is Ohmygosh what has happened to all the time I thought I had with her?  It's also that she IS growing more independent every day, which means each day she needs me a little less.   It's funny because my brain has always known that this was going to happen but my heart feels totally unprepared for it!

So what's a Mom to do?  I'm going to try and be brave and embrace the happy and share in the joy and excitement I know she is feeling right now.

And in that spirit, I have selected some rooms that I think reflect her love of the color turquoise (with some sparkle for her shiny personality)!


This one reminds me of the boyfriend's tux, all black & white with a hit of turquoise.

All images from the stellar House of Turquoise

Have an amazing weekend and give your kids an extra hug!!!

My Ping in