Monday, April 26, 2010


I am not going to tell you how much of my life I have just wasted trying to put a Mood Board together for Pewter & Sage.  I tried to put it together through Polyvore...I am a little slow so it took me a while to get the hang of it. I tried to put the sort of finished board into my blog and it was all blurry.  Basically, I am at the end of my rope and my Monday is wasted so my "mood" is quite bad at this time.  I will leave you with this will have to click on it to make it larger.
This is the original sketch I sent to Urban Grace to design my breakfast area.  You can see that I first wanted the big horizontal stripe drapes there, but we decided to put the trellis fabric there instead.
I already had the light fixture and table.  I still need chairs, I think I will try to find some on Craigslist or a yard sale that I can paint white.  The drapes are going to be made soon, I gave the fabric to the lady who made my dining room drapes.  

Anyway, go on over and look at the mood boards, the people who actually completed them,  I feel like I am back in college scrambling to turn in a project that is due tonight and I still don't have it finished.

I hope everyone is having a more productive night than me.  Peace!

Amy R.
My Ping in