Wednesday, April 28, 2010

the writing on the wall - my chalkboard

I've always loved to have a blackboard in my kitchen,  shopping lists, mots d'amour, rugby fixtures, it all has to be put somewhere.   But the one I used to have tended to get in the way.  It  hung a bit close to a door, and now and again we'd knock it as we walked past.

So I decided to go two dimensional ...  I love painting on walls, it's very relaxing.  When the children were little I found it hard to get cross if they wrote on a wall because I know how good that feels!

I painted a trompe l'œil frame around the blackboard, and to make it more fun screwed a couple of little aluminium hooks for my tea towels and aprons underneath.

And the day I don't like it any more I shall get out the brushes and start all over again!

Very happy to be linking in to the chalkboard party at SIxty Fifth avenue

My Ping in