Monday, June 28, 2010

blogging guests from near and far

A week ago I was fortunate enough to win Debra's fantastic Lifescape giveaway, and to celebrate my good luck I invited bloggers to link up to my waterside post.     Thank you so much to everyone who took part.

I promised to draw out one post among the links and talk about the blog behind it.  But I didn't really think that anyone was going to join in !!  Imagine my surprise when 16 dear bloggers linked up.  I didn't want to single out just one, so I did 2 random draws and I now have the happy task of telling you all about Francesca  at her Italian blog Passionedeco and Terri at La Dolfina.

These are two blogs you really need to visit, contrasting, endearing, both loaded with personality.  From Italian mountain lake to the bay of San Francisco,  the pictures on their respective water posts could hardly contrast more.

I wanted to know more about them, so I asked them both a few indiscreet questions ...  Francesca answers in pink, Terri in purple ...

Do you mind telling us if you work?   

I work in my family's business. We produce high quality waxes for wooden furniture and floors both ancient ones. Our brand name is Cera Novecento, my parents started this company in 1985 and I hope I will be able to follow them!   I love my job  so much. 

I used to sell real estate. I worked for a Builder and sold new homes all over the Bay Area

-  How does your blog fit into your daily life?  

F  -  It has become a very important part of my life but I usually take a break from it during weekends which I consecrate to my family, my pets and my garden! I love blogging so much and I have learned and experienced so many things since I have started
T  -  As for my blog fitting into my everyday life well...  I have been trying to figure out how to balance it with everything else and I must admit many things have fallen by the wayside as I continue to try and find balance.  I have a hard time leaving as many comments as I'd like.    This whole blogging experience has made me more present in my life.  I love how it makes me aware of what I do and how I spend my time.  It's become a record of my life in a way and I'm acutely aware of that fact when I check my sitemeter and marvel at all the people from all over the world who are taking a look at a slice of my life. 

What is your favourite part of blogging?  

F  -  Unquestionably "meeting" very talented and POLITE (this is so precious, we are often surrounded by "rude" people, aren't we) girls and women! I have now great blogging friends which I adore!  

T  -   Blogging is for me primarily a spiritual experience. ....... being able to connect with people.  I love people and their journeys. I'm fascinated with their stories.  I love to connect the dots of life.

-  Do you know anyone else (a real person - not virtual!) who has a blog, that you can chat to and compare experiences?  

F  -  A childhood friend of mine , Alessia, has a cooking blog called Miss Polpo, she's 2 years older than me and she is mother to a little little boy. Now she hasn't a lot of time for writing!

T  -  I have a wonderful friend who has a blog named Kathysue. Her blog is  I actually met her last Dec.  at The Alameda Point Antiques & Collectibles Fair.  She did not have a blog at the time but was very familiar with them as a follower and commenter.  I think I was instrumental in influencing her to start one.  ......  She's a natural and loves it.  And yes we talk all the time on the phone...   We have an amazing connection and blogland is so much brighter with her in it :)


-  What does your family think of your blog?
F  -  Oh, they like it! My mum is my biggest fan! Every single day, as she arrives here at the office, she goes to my blog to check if I have posted something new and then call dad and show him the new post! She's so cool !
Denny, my "husband"  read it secretly but I always understand when he's reading because he smiles and sometimes laugh at me!!!! They're all very supportive and I love them so much! My family is my shelter, really!

T   -  My immediate family is proud of me but sightly bemused.  They don't really understand it but they are very happy for me.  Sometimes they get frustrated when I spend too much time doing it when they are home and want my attention but I am blessed with 2 incredible men who love me and support me 100%.  

-  What is your ambition for your blog?  

F  -  Let me think...well, I do not think I have any special ambitions for my blog! I just hope that people who pass by can find some relax and beauty there.  I hope they enjoy their visits....just that!  Oh yes, another ambitions: I hope I will always be able to keep my "secret garden" (this is how I like to call my blog!) where I like and need to escape from everyday pressure!

T  -  I'm hoping to make a living doing what I love and blogging is a faith journey for me.  I have total faith that this is my path and that it will evolve into something more. My husband believes in me and supports me no end.  He is my Prince Charming, my best friend and has been by my side since I was 20 years old.  My ambition for my blog is to lead me to one day make a living doing what I love and I believe that blogging is a big part of the journey... the faith journey that will get me there.


I hope you enjoyed getting to know these great bloggers.
A bientôt! 

My Ping in