A little assistance required if you don't mind, dear friends. I'm about to paint the shutters ,and maybe the doors, on our guest cottage and I can't decide to go for white or dark grey! I know how clever you all are, I'm sure you'll be able to help me decide.
Here's the cottage as it is, a main door and three little windows with shutters. The window woodwork will be refreshed but stays white.
Bear in mind that the cottage has shade from large trees. The shutters are rarely closed, although they all function properly, for us they are decorative.
As you can see from my blog header, the shutters on the main house are white, but we have other woodwork that is dark grey, such as the barn doors and those on the workshop and wood shed.
White would look brighter, but good sense tells me that, beneath those trees, the dark grey will stay looking good for longer.
I'm not very clever on the special effects front, but I fiddled around on Paint to imagine what white would look like.
So what do you think?
If you have any ideas on this I'd be delighted to hear. Thank you.
Wishing you a very happy weekend.