This week just flew by....I've been so busy lately that I didn't even notice that June is over and July is already here...
Anyway, my Darlings, what are you plans for this 4th of July weekend? Tomorrow, Balazs and I are off to a wine festival and I can't wait for it! We are also planning to see a movie and catch up on a few shows we missed:)
As always here are a few fun links from around the web. Enjoy!
Awww...You will love this... Baby's First Birthday!!!
This hot weather is making me want to go sailing....This is a perfect anchor necklace for that!
Do you have swimming suit dilemmas? Maybe this article will help:)
Funny and unique rugs! How would you fancy a sunny-side up egg in the middle of your room?
I can't get enough of hand-written labels. It gets me each time!
Fantastic and very cute tin-pot project! I should find the time to make this...
I love this couple. Here is Rachel and Brent's outdoor wedding! I love her dress
I am in such a mood for this zucchini and ricotta galette. Yummy
Home design: white and orange? I like it. How about you?
How about this? Bike of future...
I heart this summer dress by Roxy. Perfect for a fun weekend:)
Have you even seen those photos of Venice under water? It's so beautifully bizarre. Don't you think?
I have bikes and guys on my mind...hahaha
I would love to try this cherry with star anise jam. Have you?
House: Former cold-storage warehouse became a dream house. Don't miss this:)
I can't live without big bags!
Here is something to make you smile... Kitten vs Converse....Cute!
Yummy... Baked French toast casserole!
And here are a few exPress-o posts you may have missed:
Happy 4th of July to all my lovely American readers and to the rest of you darlings: Have a sunny and lazy weekend.....preferably with a cold lemonade in your hand:)....
See you Monday morning,