Friday, July 30, 2010

Weekend: Your Pets...

 My dearests, what are your plans for this end of July weekend....Can you believe that August is just around the corner? Any plans to see a movie or maybe a romantic date night?
Balazs and I are packing up and heading to the countryside for some hiking, BBQ and sunbathing :)

Instead of my regular "Friday Round Up" I thought it would be fun to share with you all the amazing pet photos you sent to me! I couldn't fit them all here as you all delivered amazingly, so to really celebrate our little/big monsters I created a photo gallery just for you!

Those two pairs of adorable eyes are Kristal's Bama and Paige's Laura...followed by all the other cuties here!!! Check them all out....I bet they will bring out a smile!

Thank you so much for all those adorable pet photos....You are all amazing !!! I had a time of my life looking at and reading about them:)

Have a fantastic weekend and  make sure you kiss someone you love this weekend!

See you Monday morning,

Ps: If by any chance I missed your photo...Please let me know:)
My Ping in