Wednesday, August 4, 2010


SERIOUSLY...does anyone else have as many problems staying connected to the internet?  AT&T finally sent us a new modem that includes the router in one device.  I feel like I am finally free, free to surf and roam about once again!  I am probably talkin to myself because no one is reading this blog by this point and rightfully so.  BIG THANKS to Elizabeth of for posting the Technical Difficulties post for me.

Okay, we are going to keep our Rachel sofa and chair, but we are going to relocate them to the office.  We are currently looking for a leather sofa and chair for the living room.  Allison of UG sent us a big envelope of swatches to go through to see what color and texture we like.  I suppose that is a good start.  We would like to have the Rachel in leather so Allison found a very similar style for us to look at. 

Trying to figure out what to do with the foyer.  It just sits lonely and empty.

It is so stinking HOT here in KY.  It is truly miserable to be outside.  We can't even enjoy the backyard and deck these days.

That's all for now, I will leave you with Lucy's big smiling face:)

My Ping in