Monday, November 1, 2010

Wallpaper I LOVE!

Wallpaper is by no means a new "trend." It's been back in style for a few years now. That's why I'm surprised I've just now discovered Studio Nommo - which has a gorgeous collection. I have designer Ashley from *i'm smitten* to thank. She designed one of my favs, the "Foxy" wallpaper.

The card from *i'm smitten* that was reinterpreted into wallpaper.

the wallpaper

Below are some other designs from Studio Nommo that I like

I've been liking feathers a lot lately

This one's titled "Things on my desk" Great for a home office!

Love the pomegranates!

You can also design your own wallpaper by uploading a photo or illustration to their site. See more at Studio Nommo

If you liked the Foxes in Trees illustration, see more at *i'm smitten*
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