Monday, December 27, 2010

Feeling Country Strong

I want to see the new Gweneth Paltrow movie, "Country Strong".  I honestly think that Gweneth can do anything she wants to do.  Her talent has no boundaries.  I am not sure why I have been "jonesing" for a plaid flannel shirt, but I am going to assume that I am trying to channel Gweneth through flannel.

I found this shirt at Target, in the men's section.

I am pretty sure that this shirt is going to make me look just like this....

I put together a little table to highlight the similarities between me and Gweneth.  I am sure all of these points will be obvious to you that she and I are practically twins.

She writes a weekly lifestyle newsletter, GOOP
I write this blog
She named her first child “Apple”
I like all kinds of fruit, including apples
Her personal trainer is Tracy Anderson
I sporadically use Tracy Anderson DVD’s
She practices yoga
I practice yoga
She used to practice a Macrobiotic Diet
I tried it once too

Feeling Country Strong.

My Ping in