Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Gifts

We had a wonderful holiday.  It is nice to relax and get back to normal.

First, I wanted to share how I used some of the gift tags I bought from Pixelimpress.  I just wrapped a little vino in craft paper and attached the tags with the ribbon threaded through the tags.  The tags were so pretty, I did not want to use paper with any pattern.

Second, I think my husband enjoys his gift of binoculars.  He loves to watch the deer and birds in our backyard.  He built deer and bird feeders, now he can see what is going on, up close.

Santa must have read my Luxe List and decided that I had been good enough in 2010 for a Roomba.

I LOVE the slogan...

My sister-in-law, Peggy, made this cute jar of yummy goodness.  I love this stuff.  I am going to give the jar back to her when it is empty.  I assume that the gift included unlimited refills for one year.  Is that right Peggy?

She also made this heat pad made with rice.  I have already used it several times this morning.  I plan to use it as an eye bag when I am trying to relax after yoga.  It has a nice weight and size (I will not heat it of course).

This is my husbands favorite gift of all.  My mother-in-law decided to gift some silver pieces that were used by her parents many years ago.  Patrick was given this beautiful pitcher that was actually a cattle award given in 1960.  His grandmother used to use the pitcher for ice water while entertaining.  This is truly a wonderful gift.  My husband just keeps looking at it.  This was the best gift by far.

We have certainly had a blessed year and wonderfully thoughtful gifts.  We can only pray that 2011 is half as good. Check out this sweet little angel face of Lucy Lui.  I just want to kiss her.

Happy Day After Christmas!
My Ping in