Thursday, December 30, 2010

Very Soon! - my first blog anniversary

It will soon be my blog's first birthday and I can't believe how fast, how full
and how enjoyable this past year of blogging has been.

My blog would be pointless without your visits. 

During the last week of January I shall be celebrating this birthday with a week of give aways. Hopefully several between the 22 and the 29 January.  Some are already worked out.

If you have an on-line shop, be it etsy or other, and you'd like to be the sponsor for one of my give aways I'd love to hear from you.  You know how these things work, the prizes don't have to be huge, but they must have appeal, and the sponsor  promise to ship to the winner of the draw for that day.  To thank you I'll write a lovely post about you, link back to your store and put you on my sponsor bar.

Mutual promotion is one of the most intelligent and enjoyable things about the blogging world, this is a chance to show off your products to a new audience and make somebody happy at the same time!

If you're interested just drop me an email here   I look forward to hearing from you!

My Ping in