Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bonne annee - the aftermath!

So here we are the first of January - I wish you all a very happy, healthy and peaceful year.

My past twenty four hours have been full of teenagers, food, teenagers, champagne, friends, plans, dreams, music, well wishes,  teenagers, hopes, teenagers and .....  hardly any sleep!

At midnight we interrupted  our dinner  and crossed the lawn 
to kiss an indecent number  of .... teenagers and wish them a
  très bonne année

Although quite a few went home, they were still well over thirty here for breakfast, but their appetite was as small as their tired eyes, so I overbought on the bread front.

We now look forward to a q-u-i-e-t weekend, no giving or accepting of invitations, possibly a couple of visits to blogs, but nothing that takes me physically out of my warm and cosy home! 

I look forward to a year in your company and to many
shared and happy moments.
Je vous embrasse!

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