Wednesday, February 2, 2011

High Gloss Mag + Tia Zoldan

I went to the High Gloss Mag launch party last night and it was so fun to see some of my favorite blog friends. The premiere issue launched yesterday and I loved it. Of course Jamie's house is unbelievably gorgeous and I loved the bachelorette pad Erin designed!

It was also so fun to see Tia Zoldan's house featured in this issue. Her home was a favorite among bloggers when it was featured in Cottage Living years ago. It was a treat to check out what Tia has kept over the years and what has changed. Shall we do a little comparison?

Tia's old living room:

New living room:

Looks like pretty much everything is new in the living room. She might have reupholstered the chair in that amazing print. The arm looks the same. I like the furniture lay out in the newer version, with everything laid out on a 90 degree angle. Love the new art and the rug.

Old dining room:

New dining room:

Tia kept her farmhouse table and painted the armoire white. I miss those stripey end chairs!

Daughter's old room:

Daughter's new room:

I like both of these rooms for different reasons. It's fun to see how this room has grown up with Tia's daughter. The bed was painted white. The moulding was gilded. The curtains are more tailored, but the hardware is the same. I LOVE the suzani on the bed and the wall sconce.

Old kitchen:

New kitchen:

I love the new lighting and the new rug (though the old rug was really great too). I am head over heels for the chairs in the new version of the kitchen. And the herringbone patterned tile floors? So great. My very favorite change in here was probably the least expensive. That design genius, Tia, painted her back door a show-stopping blueish charcoal color.

It's fun to see how a decorator's tastes evolve, right? I think Tia's home is lovely in all it's phases.

**Also, did you know that Tia has a GREAT blog? She updates it often with images and products that inspire her. A must-read!**
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