When two of my favourite girlfriends asked themselves to lunch here yesterday, I was very happy until I realised that my fridge was empty, I had no time to shop, and I didn't even have any flowers to stick in a vase!!
A closer inspection of the fridge revealed the presence of eggs, cream, bacon and cheese. In my books that makes a quiche lorraine and lurking in the bottom drawer I found a suitable salad, to accompany.
A check through the deep freeze produced a bag of plum halves from last autumn, easily transformed in to a plum tart.
Still no flowers to put on the table or in the sitting room. When all else fails turn to the garden! No cutting flowers to speak of at this time of year but I do have an abundance of snowdrops - or galanthus nivalis as a kind friend in Baltimore calls them. Trowel in hand, I dug up a few small clumps from where the snowdrops shouldn't have been in the first place, and grabbed some equally illicit moss.
Searching for a way to bring my outdoors indoors, I avoided the traditional pots and planters and used some old cake moulds I had in the back of a cupboard. What my arrangement lacked in professional finish it made up for as a talking point!
What's your favourite flower container?