Today's living rooms are comfortable and made for living. Theme design is passe. Living rooms rarely impose a singular style. The goal is to create comfort and visual pleasure without extreme exaggeration. All of these living rooms are rooted in classicism.
The rich, vibrant colors in this living room designed by Peter Dunham are set in a classic, cozy and timeless environment. It has a quiet beauty about it that you could live in for years to come.
Peter Dunham's style has been described as sophisticated casual. The accessories aren't over-the-top or scream at you. Everything is done with a light hand.
The bold use of color in this beautiful and fresh living room by Celerie Kemble adds vibrancy and depth. The curvy upholstery makes the room comfortable and inviting. Many layers of design and style have been combined with great flair.
This living room designed by Frank Roop is subtle, understated and modern. With the exception of the vibrantly hued sofa and accent pillows, the room is filled with low key, sexy colors. It appears to be an oasis of calm. He has a wonderful flair for mixing styles and textures, as well as colors.