wooden house like this many well be found in the State of Indonesia because the country has 60% of the Wood House is that the concept of the ancient houses, where all the knick-knacks from the design of this house all using wood as its main ingredient. starting from the floor, walls, roofs, and furniture that is in this house was almost entirely made of wood and everything will look like an ancient house.
Wood House, Ancient Houses Design |
Wood House, Ancient Houses Design |
For his own house furniture was all using wood as the base ingredients are like chairs, tables, cabinets, stairs, until the kitchen table was made of wood. so indeed everything will look completely natural. all its harmony between design form and materials of manufacture.
This wooden house is going to look like ancient design houses. because everything will looks indeed a concept to look natural, ancient, harmonious, and unique is what will make this a wooden house to trance to the homes of today.
Wood House, Ancient Houses Design |
Wood House, Ancient Houses Design |
Wood House, Ancient Houses Design |