Monday, April 25, 2011

My Dining Room

I've posted dining room photos before, but not since I got my incredible wide-angle camera lens.  So I wanted to share this with all of you.  It's definitely my favorite room in our house, for now.  The gallery wall in the living room is still in the works (though I can assure you that progress has been made!) but I'm hoping my room allegiance will shift to the living room eventually, since that's really where we spend all our time.  Yes, I admit... our coffee table is our REAL dining table.

On another note, I'm off to KBIS (Kitchen & Bath Industry Show) this week!  

I plan to post photos and comments about all the great new products I see on the enzy design facebook page, so check it out if you're interested!  I'll also follow up in the next couple week with KBIS blog posts.
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