Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fall Kitchen

Now that Fall is officially here, I've switched out my teal transfer ware for the brown.

I love doing this each season as it makes the kitchen feel so new and fresh. I think that's what I love most about having the open shelves, they can really create a whole new look for the kitchen depending on what you put on them.

This Fall, I decided to hang a small painting under the shelves. It's a lovely little oil painting of the mountain we see from our property (Mt. Adams), with wonderful Fall colors in the trees.

The basket of nectarines on the counter are the last of the 20-pound case I got at the Organic Growers Association down the road. They're so juicy and sweet. I think I'll be going back to get a case of plums next!

Oh, and can you see that I've switched out our antique oriental for an oval braided jute rug? I stole it from the guest house as I think it will get much more use here in the kitchen.

I went to the flower farm yesterday and clipped some more Dahlias. The Dahlias are beginning to fade though as it took some effort to find blooms that hadn't already expired.
Happy Fall!
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