Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Love For Sale

Okay, okay, I am not really selling love.  Once upon a time, years ago, I thought I loved a painting.  I remember visiting a store to look at my beloved painting, hoping it would go on sale.  I was told by a salesperson that I could lay-away the picture. I don't know if everybody does this or if it is a southern thing or what.  Heck, I don't know if lay-away still exists.  This was just a method of purchase that I considered to lessen the blow of the actual price.  I could pay $50 per month until the balance was paid instead of a painful lump sum.  This all works in my head as a great deal for some stupid reason.  Did I ever mention that I have a degree in finance?  Anyway, I digress, so I have this painting that I loved, but know our relationship has grown stale and I am ready to move on to a different art selection.  So, long story short, I have this picture, not an original work of art, a reproduction, that I would like to sell.  If anyone is interested I would be glad to strike a deal, if not, this beauty is going to consignment on October 11th.

I will be posting about something that I ordered for the breakfast area (after I take it out of the box).  Here is a sneak peek...
Have a good night!

Amy R.
My Ping in