Friday, March 4, 2011

Have A Lazy Weekend

My darlings, what are you up to this weekend? I am really looking forward to tomorrow as we simply don't have any plans beside having a late breakfast in our favourite cafe and spending as much time as possible just enjoying this "almost" spring weather. I am also planning to fit in a nap (or two)...As always here are a few great links from around the web. Enjoy!

Seven cool ways how to wear belts.

Strong brow and red lip...Beautiful!

Great interview with Kate Winslet (total girl crush)... Number 1 most glam according to Glamour Mag.

I could have one of those right now!

Yummy...goldfish crackers.

Those would be perfect for spring. Which one is your favourite?

Fun bathroom idea.

I love those bags and secretly hope to get the first one...:)


How cool are those safety pin studs?

Red pants = LOVE!

Also, there are only two more days left to enter the EmersonMade stripe shirt Giveaway! Don't miss it.

Darlings, hope that your weekend will be filled with sunshine, chocolate and cozy hugs. See you Monday morning. Love! xoxo

(photo, East Village, New York by Youngna Park from 20x200)
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