Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How to roast garlic

My grandma used to say that garlic is the best medicine for everything, from grumpiness to craziness! We have always used tons of garlic in our kitchen but I wanted to know how to correctly roast it - without a fuss. So, last weekend with the help of Joy's recipe, I managed to smell up my whole flat with the deliciously stincky garlic smell, fresh out of the oven! Balazs and I spent the whole afternoon eating roasted garlic-avocado toasts and drinking cheap wine. (Recipe here) I guess it's one of those things that you either love or hate. Which one are you? What's your favourite garlic recipe? xo

P.S: Fun fact: an effective way to get rid of garlic breath is eating a bit of lemon or chew on fresh mint!
P.P.S: Stay tuned for GIVEAWAY Wednesday...

(photos by Joy)
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