While visiting my old workplace yesterday, I couldn't help but notice the lack attention paid to the aesthetics of the office. This is by no means uncommon, which if you think about it is surprising considering the amount of time we all spend in the office. It's been proven through and through that good office design can promote productivity. It doesn't take much to improve your workspace either. For example, add some orange to your cubicle, and it will aid creativity. Get a small desk lamp with an incandescent bulb, and give your eyes a rest from constantly flickering fluorescents. Add a small floor rug to make your space feel more like home, and hang art or pictures on your walls that motivate you.

A small rug or mat can take the industrial edge off your work station.
UrbanOutfitters, $28

Pentagram 2008 Typography Calendar features a new typeface every month, $22 , or $36 for jumbo size.

Touch Table lamp from Target, $24

Magazine files keep your reference materials easy to find.

Fun aluminum letters add some visual interest, $8 from
Love this calendar tin, also available in red, $10,
Dozi magnetic paper clip holder, $23, Amazon

Fun sticky notes! $3.29,
Merlin's Box
The Office magnets, $5,
Geometric design mouse pad, $15.99,
KippyGo Contempo
Thomas Paul pencil cup, $6,