I can't remember which magazine I saw this in (I think it was Cottage Living), but the owners of this home sprayed random, mis-matched ceramic bird figurines (from thrift stores and eBay) all white to make the grouping look and feel more like a curated collection. I love this idea!! Your new collection would look great on a mantle, or on shelves against a painted wall, similar to this idea...

1. Invest in a canvas drop cloth from a home improvement store. They are cheap (less than $10), prevent runaway paint particles from permanently coloring your driveway or sidewalk, and the canvas material dries quicker than the plastic drop cloths.
2. Make sure the surface of whatever you're painting is squeaky clean. A clean surface takes paint SO much better. Grime under the paint causes premature peeling.
3. Save your big cardboard boxes! When I'm spraying something smaller (like a lamp base or a ceramic figure) I like to leave the item in a box during the painting and drying phases, especially if it's a windy day. To me, there is nothing worse than dust particles stuck in your glossy new paint finish. What an eye-sore!