Arnaud is an Australian company that makes bath and body products. I'm not affiliated to them in any way - I just love their products and want to share the love. What really appeals to me is their packaging - it is simple, yet stunning. I love the neutral colours, the gorgeous curved bottles with their waxed corks, the luscious soaps encased in script paper.

There are four ranges - chamomile and lavender, frangipani, lime and white grapefruit, brazillian vanilla and tangerine and moroccan rose and palma rosa.

I have a bottle of their bath salts and a bottle of their body lotion in my bathroom, and I can't bring myself to open them because I'll ruin the beautiful packaging!

I would love a whole bowl full of these beautiful soaps. Can you imagine them piled up in a gorgeous unpolished marble bowl?

You can find out more details, including stockists at I'm not sure if they stock outside Australia.