Hi Jenny,
I absolutely love your blog, it's great! I just found you yesterday after linking to you from Project Nursery. I loved your IKEA table idea, I've been thinking about doing the same thing and I was glad to know I wasn't crazy for even thinking of it. I was considering using wallpaper to get the crocodile affect, I'm pretty sure I've seen crocodile wallpaper anyway. In fact I did a similar project recently that I wanted to share with you after I saw your IKEA table post.
We got a new TV that we're going to mount on the wall and I was looking for storage for underneath it, I found this chest of drawers that I loved, but it was way too much for us...

So instead I used IKEA Hemnes dressers and created a similar look using wallpaper to cover the fronts of the drawers....

I use this one to store our 2 year old's toys.

Anyway, thanks for the great reads and ideas. I'm sure I'll be writing you soon to see if you can help me figure out my breakfast nook ;)
P.S. Megan mentioned to me in a later email that she bought the short dresser on ebay and was able to reuse knobs from old furniture and saved a lot of cash. I've seen lots of Hemnes dressers on Craig's List too, so check there first if you're interested (like me) in copying Megan's look.