Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Black-Tie Affair

No, I am not talking about an event that I went to.  I am talking about my guest bathroom...I am sure that would be your second guess.  We had a little party on Saturday night and having guests motivates me to make the house look nice.

Here is a crappy "before" photo of the bathroom...actually, all before photos should be crappy, so this is perfect and do not read too much into the "crappy" phrase because I am talking about a bathroom.  I just mean the photographer (I may have to fire her) did not get a sharp photo.

The bathroom is blah. Nothing really going on in here as far as style goes. I have a plain, white shower curtain and that is about all.

I bought another curtain to match the existing one from Target and some quilt binding (another crappy photo). I just ironed this trim onto each curtain.

I added a pretty orchid from the grocery, a platter that I turned into a tray from TJMaxx and my all time favorite Seda Candle in Japanese Quince.


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